Vectra 3D
Vectra 3D for Dogs

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42.31 USD
Dog Supplies >> Flea & Tick 2025-03-18

Vectra 3D for Dogs

423 PROD-423
By: Ceva
Price :
  • 63.15
  • 42.31

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Buy Vectra 3D Topical Solution for Dogs

Vectra 3D is an excellent formula that gets rid of fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice, mites (excluding mange) and biting and sand flies in dogs. This fast-acting solution controls all flea stages from developing and demolishes fleas that cause flea allergy dermatitis and anemia. Vectra 3D is also useful in erasing ticks that transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonellosis, Hepatozoonosis and Anaplasmosis. This non-greasy, waterproof and quick drying formula provides protection for one month. It is a safe topical treatment for dogs and puppies above 8 weeks.

  • Remove the applicator tube from the package.
  • Keep your dog in a standing position for easy application.
  • Hold the tube upright, pointing away from the face.
  • Place your thumb and index finger around the applicator tip under the large disk.
  • Use the other hand get hold of the applicator stem above the smaller disk.
  • Push the smaller disk down firmly until both disks meet, piercing the seal.
  • Apply the solution from the base of the tail all the way upto the shoulder blades.
  • Repeat every month or follow your vet’s advice.

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Vectra 3D

Vectra 3D

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Wonderful product

Works exactly the way it was described!!!

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Powerful product

I use this for keeping all the biting mosquitoes away from my pal.

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