K9 Advantix
K9 Advantix for Dogs K9 Advantix is a monthly preventative for Large and Small dogs that offer efficient protection against fleas,ticks,lice,mosquitoes. it kills all the fleas within 24hours.Buy/Shop Now! Get Discount + Free Shipping in the USA.

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37.26 USD
Dog Supplies >> Flea & Tick 2025-04-09

K9 Advantix for Dogs

8 PROD-8
By: Bayer
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  • 55.61
  • 37.26

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Buy K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix is a monthly topical treatment for dogs both effective and efficient against the parasites like fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitoes and various other insects. It is well-suited on all the breeds of dogs and puppies who are 7 weeks of age or older. After application of the spot-on it repels the ticks from sticking to the pet’s body. It kills off all the fleas within 24 hours and ticks in 48 hours.

The active constituents present in the treatments are Imidacloptid and permethrin which combinedly destroys all the parasitical actions by paralyzing them. It also disrupts the flea and ticks’ life stages within 2 hours. K9 Advantix is a broad spectrum treatment that covers the elimination of American dog ticks, brown dog ticks, lone star ticks, and deer ticks.

  • There are various color coded packs available, buy according to the dog’s weight.
  • Make your dog stand in a comfortable position.
  • Part his fur between the shoulder blades to create a spot.
  • Squeeze out the entire content of the tube at the spot.
  • For larger dogs, apply the treatment at 3-4 spots starting from the shoulder blades to the backbone.
  • Let the solution completely dry.


  • Green pack – for puppies and dogs weighing between 1-10 lbs.
  • Aqua pack – for medium sized dogs weighing between 11-20 lbs.
  • Red pack – for large sized dogs weighing between 21-55 lbs
  • Blue pack – for extra large dogs weighing above 55 lbs

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K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix

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easy to apply

It works great for me since my dog does not its chewable medicines.

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This is a great product at the lowest prices of all. This is effective yet cheap and best.

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