Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats
Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats

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18.38 USD
Supplements >> Vitamins & Minerals 2025-03-18

Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats

484 PROD-484
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  • 27.43
  • 18.38

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Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats

Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s is the potent booster of Omega 3' in dogs and cats. Omega-3 fatty acids have a number of potential benefits in dogs and cats. The two nutrients- EPA and DHA fatty acids are often missing from pet foods due to both cost and instability because these Omega 3s tend to go rancid when exposed to air, so dry 'complete' diets will contain little of these important nutrients. These Omega 3 capsules ensure that your pet receives a regular intake of EPA and DHA fatty acids.

  • Always keep a bowl of water available.
  • Recommended daily intake.
  • Tablets should be added whole or crumbled into moist food and then mixed in well.
  • Dosage

Size of Pet



1 Capsule

Small - Medium dog

1 Capsule

Large dog

2 Capsules

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Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats

Lamberts High Potency Omega 3s for Dogs and Cats

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Power booster

It is great for aging pet, i can see the difference in my dog's energy

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Nutrients for pet

Healthy supplements for pet

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