Droncit Spot On
Droncit Spot On for Cats Droncit Spot On Worming Tablet is used for the treatment for tapeworms in cats. Buy Droncit Spot-On wormers for cats to use it as quick and convenient way to worm your cat.

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Cat Supplies >> Wormers 2025-03-24

Droncit Spot On for Cats

351 PROD-351
By: Bayer
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  • 30.13
  • 20.19

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Buy Droncit Spot On Tubes for Cats Wormer Treatment

Droncit Spot On is the treatment of tapeworms for cats. It is an effective spot on that works against mature and immature forms of Dipylidium caninum and Taenia species. This product is also potent against Echinococcus multilocularis. It helps in eliminating tapeworms within a few hours of administration. Droncit Spot On is recommended for all felines weighing more than 2.20 lbs. in body weight including pregnant or lactating queens. This treatment needs to be applied when first signs of tapeworm infection appear or in any case every 3 to 4 months.

  • Take out one tube from the pack, hold in an upright position.

  • Now twist and pull off the cap.

  • Use reversed cap to twist and remove seal from tube.

  • Part the hair on the cat's neck at the base of the skull until the skin is visible.

  • Place the tip of tube on the skin and squeeze the content and empty it directly on the skin

  • There is a possibility of tapeworm re-infestation until and unless you can prevent intermediate hosts like fleas, mice etc. from affecting the kitty

  • Employ flea control remedies regularly in order to curb flea infestations.

  • Re-apply the product whenever you see signs of tapeworm re-infestation or you can even use it on a monthly basis.

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Droncit Spot On

Droncit Spot On

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So far so good

Honestly the best wormer I have used for my cat till date.

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Great product

Droncit spot-on is a wonderful product for cats

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